My Mission

My calling to the Illinois Nauvoo Mission is rather unique. The Nauvoo Visitor's Center closes during the winter months, and is only open during the summer. I will be in Nauvoo, IL from April- October, and then receive another mission call to another location for the winter. 

While I am in Illinois, I will serve in two visitor’s centers, Nauvoo and Carthage, as well as all the other historical homes and shops in Nauvoo. 

Here is a picture of the Nauvoo Visitor's Center.

The big building on the left is the Carthage Jail Visitor's Center. Here tourists can come to learn more about the life of Joseph Smith and the significance of this Church Site. Also there are gardens on the property where people can walk through and see a life-sized statue that pays tribute to Joseph and Hyrum Smith. The building to the right is Carthage Jail. 

Here is a picture of the restored Carthage Jail where Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith were martyred. More information about their deaths can be found on this website:

To my understanding, I will be at these sites and several other historical shops teaching, giving tours, and helping those who are visiting. There will be around 20 other young sister missionaries and 170 senior missionaries in my mission, and I cannot wait to meet them all!

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